Friday, January 8, 2010

Building Pontoon I'm Building A Lightweight Cat/pontoon Boat And Am Wondering What Kinds Of Alternative Propulsion I Could Use?

I'm building a lightweight cat/pontoon boat and am wondering what kinds of alternative propulsion i could use? - building pontoon

something that is not something conventional blades or engines of traditional boats and boat motors. something a little too low


Robert N said...

If a trip, hook, good size, and missiles fly through the water. Stealing a pair of navy torpedo belt among them

John W said...

OK, I must say that I was looking at building a catamaran, as well.
Now let me get this right twice .... right
They want a certain type of propulsion other than the wind I guess you already use its power as an important, even in open water.
You want to drive is not a traditional traction motor, do not want to, an electric motor, and not the line want to .... What else is there? Those who do not understand your question, or if you are not reasonable.
Ask someone to draw some or distortion pedals attached to a paddle wheel.

John W said...

OK, I must say that I was looking at building a catamaran, as well.
Now let me get this right twice .... right
They want a certain type of propulsion other than the wind I guess you already use its power as an important, even in open water.
You want to drive is not a traditional traction motor, do not want to, an electric motor, and not the line want to .... What else is there? Those who do not understand your question, or if you are not reasonable.
Ask someone to draw some or distortion pedals attached to a paddle wheel.

works 4 me said...

NUCLEAR Uncle Go Contact Osma bin Laden, we have special running this month, if your partner or come with an offer which you know, tro

Jeremy W said...

Go to the drive of the wind when you are building a catamaran. Wind is cheap. A mast, sails, rigging and can not be cheap though.

megaloma... said...

I built a boat of 19 'with rowing and sailing, but now I am thinking of installing a bike recumbit by a wave through the cross-bar attached to a propeller. I'm for the human power, and it seems as if you are, whether you borrow my idea, not just patents.

dan b said...

Skull has done so for thousands of years

singer said...

Other than tape a series of fins and pull / push the car very well in their own pace.

singer said...

Other than tape a series of fins and pull / push the car very well in their own pace.

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