Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Country Bathroom Vanities What Color To Paint Bathroom Walls W/ Country French White And Blue Tile?

What color to paint bathroom walls w/ country french white and blue tile? - country bathroom vanities

What color paint do you recommend for the walls in a small bathroom with no windows? Now the walls are painted two colors of dark blue with a faux finish scratches. The ground is white with blue stripes on the outside of the Navy tiled. The vanity and toilet are with the navy of the French Landscape Design Blue canvas white. Each color blue is just too dark. Yellow is the only way?


Sassy said...

Yellow is a good option, another popular color, which could be good is a green light Celedón. Or go with the ever-popular accessories and white to color. It is a very versatile option because it could change your color scheme often simply changing the color of the bedding, carpets, curtains, decorations, soaps, whatever.

FreddyBo... said...

You should feel that there is little to do with dark colors. I went with a bright white single. They feel bigger and brighter, and you can decorate with a few simple things on the wall.

vegas02 said...

Look at nature and flowers and see what happens with the color blue you have there

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